This is a 3-part series to support practitioners providing supports to NDIS participants to better understand and navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
It is presented by Nadine Delaney, founder of Hunter Valley Children’s Therapies and co – founder of Nature Based Therapies Australia. Nadine is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, Certified EPI Equine Assisted Psychotherapist, EPI Approved Supervisor and Registered NDIS Provider with around 10 years’ experience working alongside NDIS participants and providing supervision and support to emerging and experienced NDIS practitioners.
Session 1
Introduction to the NDIS including information to assist practitioners to better understand;
– Eligibility into the NDIS
– Participant’s NDIS Plans
– NDIS Support categories
– Do I need to become a registered provider ?
– How to best support participants to access our EAP/EAL services
Session 2
– Overview of The Pricing Arrangements and Pricing Limits (aka The Price Guide)
– The line-item numbers which are applicable for EAL + EAP practitioners
– Service Agreements and Invoicing – what you need to know and include
– An overview of the responsibilities of non-registered providers, as outlined by the NDIA and NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission
Session 3
– Report writing for NDIS Plan Reviews for EALs and EAPs, suitable for social workers, counsellors and possibly other allied health practitioners
– Guided exploration on the requirements and necessary components for a report to assist NDIS participants undertaking a review of their NDIS plan
– Report template that you can use and adapt to your practice.
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